Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Admitting his mistakes:
Song 'When I Was Your Man' by Bruno Mars

(from tablet, Orlando, FL)

Even if you have already settled into a path, a change can be made. Nothing is set in stone.

(from tablet, Orlando, FL)
No one likes to admit his/her mistakes or concede that he/she was wrong. But in order to learn from a mistake or failure, you must see or admit that there was a problem and corrective action is needed. When this occurs, the person could start again but more intelligently (taking into account the lessons from the previous errors).

(from tablet, Orlando, FL)

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

From the song 'Forgiveness and Love' by Miley Cyrus:

The only thing that our hearts are made of
Are the acts of forgiveness and love,
The only thing real when push comes to shove
Are the acts of forgiveness and love,
'Cause in the end no one loses or wins,
The story begins again and again
With forgiveness and love.

Forgiveness of sins in the Church

In general, forgiveness is needed to replace anger and resentment with peace and happiness.
In some situations, it is necessary to remove yourself from a bad situation that will never change
such as an abusive relationship or a bad job situation.

"Sometimes choices are made in the name of forgiveness while what is occurring isn't forgiveness at all. It is important not to confuse being forgiving with denying your own feelings, needs, and desires. Forgiving doesn't mean being passive and staying in a job or a relationship that clearly doesn't work for you or is abusive. It is important that you are clear about your boundaries. What is acceptable for you? If you are willing to allow unacceptable behavior again and again in the name of 'forgiveness,' you are more than likely using 'forgiveness' as an excuse not to take responsibility for taking care of yourself or as a way to avoid making changes."
- Robin Casarjian, Forgiveness: A Bold Choice For A Peaceful Heart

There is bound to be conflict when dealing with people. Coworkers argue, friends fight, sisters quarrel etc. It is important to discuss and resolve the issues. It is not worth it to hold on to anger, hold a grudge, or hold resentment.

Monday, December 29, 2014

When you believe in God and put your trust in him, you can stand on his promises.

From the song 'I Can See Clearly Now' by Jimmy Cliff:
"I can see clearly now the rain is gone....
Gone are the dark clouds that had me down,
It's gonna be a bright, bright sunshiney day."

"God did not create evil. Just as darkness is the absence of light, evil is the absence of God."
- Albert Einstein

Bruce was devastated when he lost the job he hoped to get. His reaction: (clip from the movie 'Bruce Almighty')
He wanted the job, but it was not the right fit for him.

Clip from the movie 'Bruce Almighty':

Everyone wants to be successful and happy and would jump at an opportunity that promises to fulfill dreams. This usually leads to much competition for these opportunities and feelings of resentment when someone else (who may be deserving) gets the gold. But, the right approach would be to find the path/line of work that is right for you and would guarantee a win.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

"I gotta make my own luck, I gotta find my own way."
- From the song 'Better Day' by Saving Jane

A shining example of creating an opportunity without using evil devices:

"Despite my fears, I composed an email to Gerry Murphy (the CEO)....Deep breath time. I reread it again for those 20 seconds. Then I pressed the send button.
I didn't sleep that night.
A day later I received a reply....
The meeting went well and I immediately became part of the team compiling a board proposal....All because of one little email and 20 seconds of courage."
- Paul Drury, "Find Your 20 Seconds Of Insane Courage",

Opportunities do not always abound so many people make or create their own opportunities.
This tends to be a "get up and get" or a "get out there and grab" attitude.
Creation of an opportunity could be marked by manipulation, deceit and other evil devices/methods.
An individual needs to maintain self-control and have good character. For example, a girl who wants to be with a man should not destroy his relationship with his